Wisdom is required to enforce the will and ordinance of God without hurting the process. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Ecclesiastes 10:10 says if the axe is blunt then strength will be applied, but wisdom is profitable to direct. Emphasis mine. 

Wisdom is the practical application of acquired knowledge. Practical wisdom comes from proven experiences. Proven experiences have to do with both positive and negative lessons that have rewarded you in experiences expedient for growth. Not understanding the strength of the flesh to oppose the will of God in our lives is why so many are not growing to maturity. Man is frail in nature and his frailties are exposed during mental and physical development. Transforming from one level of growth to another takes a human process that is not perfect. Understanding this brings peace which in turn brings preservation. 

Ecclesiastes 10:10 says if the axe is blunt then strength will be applied, but wisdom is profitable to direct.

The ordinances of God need so much wisdom and understanding to be applied. There is preservation before an understanding of ordinance. Never take the ordinance too far to the left and never take it too far to the right. There is no time man has ever been perfect. We struggle for perfection from the imperfect. The sun is preserved because it knows when to rise and when to set. The sea identifies with its boundaries.