It is only through meditation we heal our minds (Joshua 1:8). There is soul prosperity before health, wealth, and well-being (3 John 2). Your hiding place is in your soul value. You need yourself. Nothing will work if you are not mentally sound.
Depressed people are people who are first not mentally sound. They are those who are not in charge of themselves. If you believe God can do anything, then you need to act on it because God cannot be found in the pit. God can only be found on the mountain. It is with joy we draw from the well of salvation— Isaiah 12:3. New things cannot stop happening on earth. Anywhere it happened, it is men of strong mentality that made it happen.
However, destiny cannot be forced on anyone. Whatever happens to a man, somehow, he must have agreed to it through spoken words, or behavior. Every evil that happened to a man, the man connected to it. And every good that happens to a man, the man is also connected to it. What people don’t know is that ignorance can also be a contribution. And ignorance is not an excuse in the realm of the spirit. The earth is not a place of luck.
Depend on meditation to transform your life. Moreover, this cannot be achieved, you cannot take care of yourself except the vision is clear to you. Anyone who is not in charge of himself, but wants to acquire material things will always find a deceitful hiding place in emotions and religion. But when you conquer the enemy in you, the enemy outside will bow. This is why you should not reach out until you have achieved mental stability because battles will surely come to you from wherever you are, so wisely prepare.